Thursday, April 1, 2010

The secrets to winning at golf and poker

Full disclosure: I don't know the secrets to winning at golf and poker.  Seriously, would I be here if I did?  No, I'd be off in Vegas or out on the PGA tour right now, and not divulging my secrets on the internet.  So, if you're looking for magic formulas, the keys to winning at golf or poker or anything for that matter, please move along, there's nothing to see here.  I suggest you try the Great Secrets of the Universe section of your local bookstore.  And that's the last piece of advice I'll give you.  Why?  Because, again, full disclosure: I suck at golf, and as for poker, I can hold my own in a small stakes game, but if I had to make a living at it, I'd be dead by now.

So what do I do for  a living?  I write.  For  a living.  That should tell you something...namely, that if I ever do offer any advice, you'd probably want to ignore it, anyway.  Got an inside-straight?  Pay for another card.  240 yards to the green protected by water? Grab your three-wood and swing for the fences. Money to invest?  I know a guy named Ponzi I can hook you up with....  You get the idea.  If it's a question whether to use a colon or a semi-colon, I'm your guy.  The rest is up to you.

Having said all that, it now occurs to me that there is one game in which I can help improve your score.  I learned the secret this last weekend, on a very rainy Sunday.  It's another Alex story.  For those of you not taking notes or committing my blog to memory, Alex is my seven-year old.  Here's a recent picture of him:

Anyway, Deborah, Alex's mom, was out of town, meaning I was appointed chairman of the Alex entertainment committee. Committee notes, Sunday March 28:

Alex:  What are we going to do for fun today?
Me: I don't know.
Alex: FunPlex?
Me: We did FunPlex yesterday.
Alex: What are we going to do for fun today?

Cut to Eagle Rock Lanes, the bowling alley three minutes from our house.  The place was built back in the 40s, and it hasn't changed a bit.   Hot dogs and flat soda are the specialties of the house.  Here's a recent picture of the bowling alley:

Anyway, if you've never been bowling with a kid, what the bowling alley does is put up gutter guards.  Consequently, no gutter balls.  Alex and I bowled two games. I bounced my ball off the gutter guards a couple of times each game, getting from five to seven pins on the rebound.  Do the math.  I added between ten and fourteen pins to my score in each game.  Very scientific.  So, want to increase your bowling score?  Take a little kid with you.  Oh, and one last piece of advice: skip the hot dogs. 


  1. Hmmmm...I think Hunter and I now have a new father/son hobby.

  2. Oooh, Mr. Gabbay, a question!

    Worse punch in the gut...missing a par putt of less than five feet, or losing to an inside straight draw on the river?

  3. Missing the par putt. The inside straight is all about the poker gods. The putt is all about you

  4. i love bowling, used to do it as a kid & miss it. i would love to bowl w/ alex! happy passover, dan!
