Sunday, March 28, 2010

What's it all about?

By all, I mean: this blog.  Aside from, well, golf and poker—and the reasons people like me don't get to spend their entire lives in casinos and on golf courses (things like 7-year-old kids, 30-year mortgages, and jobs that last a lifetime)—it'll focus like a laser on stuff that strikes me as interesting, which brings us to the $64,000 question: what the hell do I know? 

Enough to blog.

Lets take golf as an example.  By no means am I an expert, BUT, I know what the object of the game is, I know what it looks like when it's done right—and (believe you me) I know what it looks like when it's done wrong. And you can cross out the word golf and replace it with family, money, politics, sex, pretty much anything, and the principle still  holds.  It all comes down to getting a grip, keeping your eyes on the ball, and shifting your weight at the proper time.

Speaking of keeping your eye on the ball, the other day I took Alex (remember that 7-year-old kid I was talking about) to the driving range.  We took turns hitting balls, and the thing about Alex is, he likes to talk. And he did—while I was hitting, while he was hitting, talked pretty much nonstop for a full bucket of a hundred or so balls.  Among the topics Alex covered: He plans on either being rich or dating someone who is. He believes that I should hit the ball farther and straighter.  Tiger Woods is the best golfer in the world but not the best husband.

Smart boy.

Anyway, so it begins.  Call your neighbors.  Tell your friends and family.  Alert the media.  After all, it's free.  And feel free to comment, too.  As Lauren Bacall says to Bogie the second time they kiss in To Have and Have Not, "It's even better when you help."


  1. Now this is a fun thing to brighten a rainy morning! And I've always loved the little gangster pic.
    When will Alex start his own blog: he seems to know enough!

  2. Alex was reading the post over my shoulder as I was writing it. I think he wanted to use the computer to watch one of his favorite Black Eyed Peas videos. I can imagine him as a contributing editor to this blog sometime in the future.

  3. Golf is like life in so many ways.

    You can never see your target when you start out.
    Tough to stay out of the rough.
    The harder you swing, the worse the aim.

    To name a few.

  4. Dan -- (second try) My Dad took up golf in his early forties. He took me to the driving range a couple of times, and I loved hitting the ball and watching it hook and slice away to what seemed like incredible distances. And then he died. Now my son wants me to take up golf in my senior years, but the driving range isn't as much fun when you have an adult understanding of what you're supposed to be doing. And my knee hurts!

  5. To TommyG's point, hours of frustration, getting lost in the rough or the woods, is mitigated by fifteen minutes of bliss...a birdie or even a par.

    Ken, not playing up to par, bad knees...welcome to the club. Think of it as a few hours spent with your son.

  6. I don't golf, but I know people who do, and now you are one of them! Love your new blog, Dan! For me, owning a retail business is kinda like golf: it's hard to get a grip, it's hard to keep your eyes on the shop, & you gotta know when to shift your weight around.

  7. Good luck with the blog, Dan. As I list golf and poker as two of my main hobbies, it should be right up my street. Get cracking! By the way, if you include chess too, Ken Atkatz will be on this site each and every day.

  8. Welcome Joan. Next time I'm in your establishment, should I yell "Fore!" Or maybe "I'll take Four!"

    Thanks, bruceb. Let me know if you want me to add your email address to my list announcing posts.

  9. I love it it ok to take a 'Mulligan' this morning and go back to bed? Please say 'Yes'.

  10. Go ahead, Stephan. "Mulligan" is one word I know (and use frequently).

  11. I'm enjoying it so far, keep it up! And hopefully I will have something more interesting to say at some point. For now, I'm just seeing if I can figure out how to post a comment!

  12. If I wait until I have something interesting to say I might as well shut this blog down now.
